Aromatherapy | The Power of Scent

Aromatherapy | The Power of Scent

”My Nanna is French, and when I was growing up, we'd often visit her and family over in France. A fond memory of mine is going to the bakery every morning to collect some delicious bread. Whenever I smell freshly baked bread, it brings me right back to the delightful scents that filled the street of my Nana's local bakery.”

Aromatherapy is rooted in the concept of Harvest. With this week being National Aromatherapy Awareness Week we would like to take the opportunity to explore our sense of scent and the practice of Aromatherapy, shedding light onto what it is, what the benefits are and how you can introduce aromatherapy into your daily life. The actual term "aromatherapy" first originated in 1937 by French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefoss, however the practice of Aromatherapy has been around for centuries and used by many different cultures. So, what it is? Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses essential oils for therapeutic benefit. The methods focus on the power of aroma and using our sense of scent to improve our wellbeing. The essential oils used are extracted from aromatic plants, usually through the process of steam distillation from the plants leaves, flowers, roots, resin, seeds etc. There are hundreds of different essential oils, all of which work in different ways and can offer unique benefits such as reducing stress or anxiety, helping sleep quality, boosting immunity and to fight bacteria.


“Burning essential oils at home gives me great comfort, using your sense of smell prompts your brain to release serotonin, inducing feelings of happiness. You can pick and choose your oils depending on how you feel; for example, I burn Bergamot, Eucalyptus and Rosemary when seeking encouragement and find the combination of fragrant Bergamot and Lavender particularly therapeutic.” 

Our sense of smell is established to be 10,000 times more acute than other senses. Aromatherapy is thought to work by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions. Learning to pay more attention to scent can allow us to establish a far more grounding, immersive and multi-sensory experience of life. Scent can help bring character and emotion into a space, filling the space and transforming it. Whether it’s to help seek comfort and support, relaxation and calmness or create an uplifting atmosphere, scent will create a more mindful and wholly experience of our surroundings. Using scent as part of our daily, intentional routine can offer us moments of reflection and insight into ourself.

Each essential oil has its own unique healing properties, uses and effects. For example, Lavender symbolises silence, calmness and grace and burning lavender in your surrounding space helps to focus on peace, happiness and healing. Whilst the woody aromas of Ho Wood symbolise shelter, comfort and recuperation and will create a space that supports and nourishes you. However, the combination of both Lavender and Ho Wood blend perfectly together, promoting sleep and relaxation. Learning the properties of different essential oils can provide the knowledge of creating a synergistic blend of oils, which can withhold far more benefits. By blending just a couple of essential oils together you can then combine their unique nourishing properties. Once you’ve chosen your essential oils, whether it be just the one or perhaps you want to explore a blend, you’ll want to look into sourcing a diffuser or an oil burner. Both of these options will allow the scent of the oil to be slowly dispersed around your desired room. An oil burner is most likely to be a small ceramic device that you would pop a tea light in, add water to the dish on top and then add a couple of drops of your oil into the water. Whereas a diffuser can be electric and would also use water but will create a mist (please follow the instructions that come with your chosen device).

“A daily practice that I regularly do throughout the day is to burn incense. We can use scent to trigger specific responses, such as to aid sleep or stimulate creativity. I burn Earthy Agarwood, also known as oud, which is deeply nurturing. Before I go to bed, I drop soothing Lavender into the water for my evening cleanse, which helps me to relax.”

Paying more attention to our scent can be created in the simplest ways, whether it be through using essential oils or not. A perfect example is by just burning a candle or some incense. All of our candles and incense are made by hand using essential oils, so you’ll reap the benefits by simply lighting one of these. Here a couple more ways to encourage natural scents around your home…
  • Having a bath is a restorative ritual that clears the mind and helps soothe the skin. A simple soothing and relaxing oil blend to put into your bath can be made from combining 4-6 drops of Lavender and Cedarwood essential oil, with 1 teaspoon of base oil, Jojoba or silky Camellia for their hydrating and repairing properties.
  • Growing fresh herbs on the windowsill is a great way of bringing nourishing scents into the home.
  • If you have a log burner you can collect orange peel, sage or herbs from the garden and place them on top of the burner, the oils will defuse and scent your space wonderfully. Or add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to your firewood before burning. Grounding Juniper Berry which cleanses the air.
  • If you're looking for a quick fix simply place a few drops of essential oil onto a radiator, as it heats up, it will diffuse.
  • Adding a few drops of essential oil down your toilet after flushing is a simple way to help neutralise smells. Oils like Patchouli or Rosemary are both refreshing and balancing.



Shop our Scent Collection, including our range of nourishing essential oils, aromatic and neutralising incense sticks and our range of candles

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