Welcoming the months of summer brings a fresh energy, and with it a renewed focus. We move into lighter days with what feel like longer hours, the air is warmer on our skin and surrounds us with new but familiar scents. Whilst the bare branches bloom and the bulbs we planted in winter burst through in their glorious colour, we bring the outside world into our homes in vases and pots.
At Harvest, we’ve created our Potted Geranium candle to celebrate the season of Summer. Evoking the warm months of summer, geraniums are sweet, herbaceous and fragrant. We have blended the scent from the geraniums together with cedarwood and lavender to create an aroma that is deeply toning, balancing and refreshing. As with all our candles, it’s made from soy wax and fragranced with a blend of organic essential oils and natural fragrances. The wick is made from eco cotton and so is kind to our environment, whilst giving a clean burn in its amber jar.
Alongside the candle, there is also a new Geranium Essential Oil. The aroma is thought to help balance and calm the heart chakra, whilst also being beneficial for balancing hormones. The Geranium oil blends perfectly with Patchouli, Lavender and Cedarwood.
The Summer Solstice is a powerful time to embrace new energy, set intentions and welcome in new beginnings. Aligning a change in seasons with setting intentions can carry hope, opportunity and give you a fresh energy. Finding some time to set daily intentions can not only be a wonderful way of preparing for your day, month or future in general, but can also help bring awareness to what you want to think, feel and want to achieve.
Creating intentions can help you to think to where you want to be - they aren’t set in stone and can change daily, but they allow you to recognise what you want and give attention to it. Through recognition it is allows us to influence and plant seeds into our higher consciousness to attract it to materialise. It is both believing in the possibility of what you want but then trusting in external forces to acknowledge your desires and encourage them to manifest into actual realities and experiences.
However, this all may sound a little over complicated and essentially it is just allowing yourself a little time to set meaningful intentions for yourself each day. You can start by asking yourself what it is you want and then perhaps start brainstorming or making a list. Once you have some starting points you can then begin personalising these intentions to fit your plans for that day or month. At the start of the day repeat your intentions for a few minutes, or however long you feel the need to, each day. You could also incorporate these into yoga or meditation practices. Here is a small list can you could take inspiration from below:
I intend to make more time for myself.
I intend to stay calm in stressful situations.
I intend to be more openminded.
I intend to believe in myself and believe I can do this.
I intend to be content and not compare myself to others.
Shop our Potted Geranium Candle and Geranium Essential Oil.